Firstly – we have some great ways for you to reach this goal – to never pay rent again. So read on. The secrets all be revealed.
………Many of you know we have been traveling the world and for a long time. In fact, this is our third year.
We get asked ALL THE TIME about “How we can afford it?”
Well, the truth is, I saved very hard at the start, and I sold off some of our items in Australia before we left. That helped.

©Exploramum and Explorason – Hungary Housesitting in Budapest – Explorason’s favorite cat here
But I also am very good with money, and this is a budgeting skill I also am teaching Explorason – a skill that regular school never teaches kids.
Never pay rent again! And travel the world. We tell you how.
And one major way is to housesit. And we do quite a bit of this.
This gives us a place we can often have a rest.
In this assignment we found ourselves caring for two adorable cats in Budapest Hungary.
It was also the first very modern home we have housesat in. A newly built place on the outskirts of Budapest.
It was just lovely to stock and to cook our own meals. We sorted through our clothes for the next leg of travel and bought what we needed in preparation for the next leg of our road trip.
We were able to get the car cleaned and repaired. The home-owner recommended a good mechanic. Sadly the car was due for some major repairs in keeping with the mileage and age, so this was a bit of a shock to the budget.
It was just lovely to catch up on the website too, as it had crashed two weeks ago and we had changed hosts.
We had also needed to source a new computer, so there were hours and hours of work associated with restoring lost data and trying to recover lost photographs. It gave us a chance to back-up all our photographs and send a thumb drive back to family for safe keeping too.
And we were able to send a parcel back to Australia with Christmas and birthday gifts. Little treasures collected along the way. In fact, I was surprised at how reasonable postage was in Hungary. The worst postage cost so far we encountered was Morocco. For four times as much it was half the cost. I was delighted here in Hungary, and the local Post Office staff were just great.
But one of the greatest joys especially for Explorason is to have pets to play and cuddle, like these two fur balls. It was lovely to see him make special places for them to sleep, and then they would all curl up for a nap on the sofa.

©Exploramum and Explorason – Hungary Housesitting in Budapest – The cats loved to snuggle. So adorable when they are all asleep
Each cat had his own personality, but we learned their routines quickly, and easily.
There was also plants to water, as well as feed and care for the cats, kitty litter etc, and the house to maintain.

©Exploramum and Explorason – Hungary Housesitting in Budapest – visiting the city
And then we also get to go out and explore and experience what the city has to offer.
One of those things was the famous Budapest Thermal Baths. Steamy hot on a zero degree day. There are numerous therapeutic pools inside as well. It is amazing.
Another thing we get to do is walking.
Just relaxing and walking is a bit of a favorite thing to do. In fact, we even went jogging on a couple of occasions too. When there are dogs, we love to walk them, but in this case, it was just us, exploring the neighborhood.
Housesit is a great time to also catch up on much-needed website work, get the car serviced, shop for needed items, visit the dentist or doctor, wash all our clothes in a washing machine (vs hand washing on the road), and clean out the car and bags – just to name a few domestic spring cleaning chores.
One of the great things is we get to try local food, and go to festivals like the fish fair we visited on Sunday in Budapest.
But the biggest bonus is that we get to save on accommodation, rent, and utilities.
I recommend signing up with a few housesitting sites. It is important to be fast when you see something you like. Don’t wait around for a week thinking about it. You need to be in the first top few who apply. And there are different sites that attract different homeowners, so you need to make sure you get the greatest opportunity you can.
In saying that, you could get just one housesit, and the membership has already paid for itself.
Take a look at some of the great experience we have and places we have housesat.
Countries all over the world.
You can check out our housesitting resume here.

©Exploramum and Explorason – Hungary Housesitting in Budapest – rainy days exploring
So what are you waiting for?
Here are a few great specials if you would like to travel and see the world and housesit too.
25% Off HouseSitMatch from now until 31 March with your new coupon code EXPLORAMUM-25
Click on the banner for a great deal that also helps us.
House Carers: Housecarers – Click on the link Housecarers here for a great deal that supports us
Take a look at this free offer just released this week.
Other House-sitting sites you may wish to join
HouseM8: (no fee to join)
Kingdom Housesitters:
Easy Housesitting:
Mind My House:
Housesit Mexico:
Housesit Ads:
The Caretaker Gazette:
Housesit World:
Luxury Housesitting:
Aussie Housesitters:
Housesitters UK:
Gumtree: http:/ (google your country)
We’ve just been invited to be part of the Tripadvisor Affiliate Programme.
If you use them as a trusted resource, please log in through here.
It helps us!
Great blog Ruth, and thanks for the mention. You’ve travelled so far since you started housesitting! You really prove how housesitting can make travel more affordable. Just wanted to restate our 25% off any registration coupon code at Please use Coupon Code EXPLORAMUM-25
Yes it is an awesome special – thanks for the kind offer and hope we can show the world how great housesitting is!
This is good..I’ll make sure to sign up some of these… thanks 🙂
Thanks Fernando – we w ill regularly try to offer you specials on housesitting and also share where you can save money. Happy travels.