
Top Ten Things To Do With Kids For FREE In Adelaide

If you live in Adelaide, or even if you are just visiting, it is always great to find fun things to do for all the family. But it is even better when they are FREE! We’ve been back in our home city of Adelaide, South Australia in December, and we have some great tips we’d […]

Eight Tips For Enjoying A Unique Travel Experience

Life is unique for each one of us, and so your family should also enjoy a unique travel experience too. We have always felt compelled to help parents find ways of making their trips more interesting. It is for this reason that we have come up with tips on how to enjoy a unique travel […]

Beijing with Kids – The Perfect Location

Do you have a Travel Bucket List? We both have a Travel Bucket List, even though we have now been to 73 countries together.  And one of our dream locations is visit is to walk the Great Wall of China and to travel to Beijing with kids seems to be easier than we thought.  So […]

China Family Vacation For Single Parents

China Family Vacation For Single Parents in Guangzhou As we toured the streets, we kept looking for things that make Guangzhou a great destination as a China family vacation place single parents.  We desired to put up a content on our website that would help parents (and especially single parents) to decide whether or not […]

Guangzhou Chinese New Year

Guangzhou Chinese New Year About a month ago we visited our local shopping center in Australia and it was brightly decorated for Chinese New Year, and an excitement was birthed within us both.  This would be the first year we would celebrate an authentic Chinese New Year. And we were invited by China Southern Airlines […]

Learn To Ski – Here’s 5 Reasons Why

5 Reasons To Learn To Ski The thought of us ever skiing confidently always left shivers deep within our skins. Never did we think we would ever do ski successfully but we knew we DID NEED to learn to ski. Just like many people, we looked at how steep the slopes were, the depth of […]

Eat Authentic Cuisine With Locals

Eat Authentic Cuisine With Locals YUM! YUM! YUM! No matter where you are, there is local authentic cuisine just waiting to be tasted! The world is without any doubt a hall of kitchens. We have seen them among the rich as we write as luxury travel experts and family travel experts and also as we […]

Formal School Vs World School

Formal School Vs World School If I had a dollar for everytime someone asked us “what do you do about school” then I would be a rich woman!  All over the world, both my son and I have been asked this question over and over again!  Not because people think he is uneducated, but because […]

Staying Central in Melbourne Saves You

Staying Central in Melbourne Saves You Time And Money Staying Central in Melbourne Melbourne is one of those cities that if you come to Australia it is NOT to be missed and if you do visit, it is important to know why staying central in Melbourne will actually save you time and money. The weather […]

FREE Things To Do In Melbourne With Kids

Have you ever dreamt of going on vacation and not spending a cent?  It can be done and we are here to show you how. It feels so good when you know you can go to a place, have so much fun and discover that you never spent anything and you are in Melbourne with […]

Adelaide Weekend Getaway – St. Francis Winery Resort Old Reynella

We are ready for an Adelaide weekend away. Our recent longer stays in Adelaide has exposed us to some amazing places we never knew existed in the city. That, or due to being away so long, failed to remember they were even ‘just up the road’. Old Reynella St Francis Winery Resort Some of these […]

When Kids Grow Up

As parents, we often fail to understand just how fast time flies. It never hits us that the babies we once nursed in our arms are growing fast into high school students and are slowly beginning to hate the “kiddish” things of life. OLDER KIDS HATE IT WHEN MOTHERS TREAT THEM LIKE BABIES: A LESSON […]