Covid-19 Preparing to Travel Again

Preparing to Travel Again As Covid-19 Restrictions Ease

Covid-19 Preparing to Travel

Covid-19 Preparing to travel again

©Exploramum and Explorason – time for new luggage

Never in the history of humanity have people desired to travel as we have in the past few months. The current crisis came in like a thief and kept many of us cooped up inside our houses. It took away our freedom and limited us to only walking or driving within our neighbourhoods. At least the disease is now losing its ‘sting’ and slowly giving us back our freedom. We are now seeing some light at the end of the tunnel in some countries.

This explains why many people are now thinking of travelling. Isn’t it the thing we have missed since lockdown and restrictions were set in place?

But what should you do in this whole process of preparing to travel?  Here are some ideas for you.

Covid-19 Preparing to travel again

©Exploramum and Explorason – carry-on luggage is an important choice.

Buy New Luggage

This is probably the best time to replace your old suitcases with new ones. Prices are at their lowest, and traders are willing to go even lower if you bargain.

A great idea is to buy two types of luggage:

  • Carry-on luggage for short trips
  • Substantial larger suitcase or larger bag for long trips.

Consider the quality of each bag and choose the best. The last thing you want is for your luggage to get torn while on your trip. So check the zippers, handles, wheels, and stitches to ensure that everything is perfect. This will help you avoid those experiences where your bag suddenly bursts open in public due to weak zippers or poor stitching.  And wheels need to be strong enough for the type of travel you favour.

Shop for Travel Clothing and Accessories

I’m actually very excited! Post Covid-19 lockdown means now is the perfect time to either jump online or hit the shops. There’s never been a better time to stock up on all the accessories you’ll need for travel.

Some of the items I always carry in my handbag when traveling include:

  • A gorgeous pair of Designer Glasses (Vision Direct have a very affordable designer selection).
  • A Scarf or Wrap (dresses up a casual outfit, can keep you warm, or act as a headscarf if visiting religious sites).
  • Lipstick with sunscreen.

With these three items, I find I can go from daytime to nighttime. Or casual to classy in a few seconds.


©Exploramum and Explorason Uyuni, Bolivia Salt Flats

Dream, Watch and Read

We all have a ‘Bucket List‘ of the places we’d like to visit and activities we’d like to participate in while we can still breathe. Some of these are dreams that must be achieved for life to be meaningful. So, start dreaming of all these places you would like to visit and write that ‘Bucket List‘. Spend this time to watch videos and read reviews about these places. Find access to travel blogs or guides and check out videos on sites like Youtube to fill your mind with ideas of what you could do in these areas.

Covid-19 Preparing to travel again

©Exploramum and Explorason – is it time for a new vehicle?

Buy a Car, Camper-van, RV, Caravan or SUV

Now is the best time to purchase a travel vehicle. This is because of the high number of car dealers who are currently struggling to stay afloat. The lack of overseas travellers means that most are stuck with their vehicles as few people are hiring or buying them. They are becoming desperate for buyers, which makes it more likely for them to sell you their vans at the lowest possible price.

All that’s left is for you to know the type of vehicle or caravan/trailer/RV that suits your needs and go for it. You will love the experience of going on a trip, as a family in a campervan once the lockdown is over. And if you don’t need a self-drive RV or campervan, consider a 4WD or AWD to suit your family needs.

Covid-19 Preparing to travel again

©Exploramum and Explorason – Glamping

Go Camping

You now probably understand how boring it is to spend an entire day or even week indoors. It almost feels like you are a prisoner in your own house. Maybe, the last thing you will want to do is to stay in a hotel when you are finally freed from the lockdowns. You will want to, for once, forget about walls and buildings. This explains why camping has become an alternative to many. It will bring you closer to nature and allow you to experience some unadulterated fresh air rise into your nostrils.

So pack the tents and head out alone, as a couple, or with your family.

If your area is still under lockdown, then camp in your back yard or even practice setting up the tent in your living room. Just do anything that will make you feel closer to nature.

Otherwise, if permitted, reserve a glamping experience and get back to nature with some luxury.

Covid-19 Preparing to travel again

©Exploramum and Explorason – Road Trip

Get Ready for that Road Trip

You should definitely go on a road trip when this crisis is over. This will give you a time to escape the four corners of your house and bond with nature. However, it is highly likely that your vehicle has been gathering dust in the garage. It is probably not ready for a long-distance trip.

You will definitely need to get it serviced to avoid any mechanical problems that you might have while on your merry-making road trip. You should also sort out your travel clothes and book a pet-sitter or vehicle pet-carrier in preparation for your trip. Try to carry warm clothes if you are travelling to a cold region.

You will also need whether to take a four-wheel-drive or any other vehicle based on the terrain of the place you are travelling to. The last thing you want to happen is to get stuck in mud or have your bumper torn off due to the size of the vehicle.

Covid-19 Preparing to travel again

©Exploramum and Explorason – time to get fit

Lose Weight

Being indoors could have seen you add too much weight. However, this is the time to lose all that weight in preparation for your journey. Burn all the extra fat to bring your Body Mass Index BMI) back to normal. Do this, and you will avoid all the illnesses and injuries associated with weight gain. The last thing you could want to see happening is to fall sick midway during your trip, forcing you to spend the rest of your trip confined to your hotel or hospital bed.

Covid-19 Preparing to travel again

©Exploramum and Explorason – Thinking healthy choices

Get Healthy

The trip will expose you to some of the most challenging activities. Activities like mountain climbing and kayaking. Alternatively, your trip might involve travelling to multiple locations within a short time. Sadly, you might be overwhelmed by any of these activities unless you are healthy and fit. Have a balanced diet that is made up of carbohydrates, vitamins, fibre, minerals, proteins, fats, and water.

A balanced diet should help boost your immunity, strengthen your muscles, and help you function well in ordinary situations. Mix it all up with fitness exercises, and you will have trained your body to overcome any obstacle.

Covid-19 Preparing to travel again

©Exploramum and Explorason – Health and dental checks are important

Get a Health Check

Health is going to be one of the greatest concerns in most countries. Like before, you will have to prove that you are free from all notifiable diseases before travelling. These diseases include the likes of Yellow fewer and Whooping cough. You probably know that Covid-19 has long been added into the list of notifiable disease. In other words, you will have to prove that you don’t have the disease before you are permitted to travel to your destination.

Therefore, you must remember to go for a complete health checkup to ensure that you are free from all these diseases. The last thing you want to see happening is to be denied a travel visa when you have already spent a lot on planning for your trip.

Make sure you also book into the dentist for a pre-travel checkup.

Covid-19 Preparing to travel again

©Exploramum and Explorason

Book Ahead with Travel and Save

As already mentioned, businesses are now desperate to make sales. This explains why most hotels and tour and travels agencies are now offering crazy discounts on their facilities. It means that you can save a lot if you book ahead. Do some research, and you will definitely get the best deal for your future trips. Take keen interest on all offers to ensure that there are no hidden charges in them. This will help you fall for legit offers and avoid crooks.

Covid-19 Preparing to travel again

©Exploramum and Explorason

Research Travel and Ask Questions

This is not the best time to gamble or act on assumptions when it comes to travel arrangements. We have come out if a scary situation that has made most of us more aware of our environments and the eminent risks we are constantly exposed to.

Try and ask as many questions as you can about the COVID-safety standards in whichever place you are planning to visit.  Ask such questions whether you are travelling on a cruise ship or checking into a hotel or resort.

Check border restrictions nationally and internationally both entering and returning, and be sure of any self-isolation or quarantine restrictions you may have to adhere to. Many countries still have a 2-week quarantine on the port-of-call you enter at.

Covid-19 Preparing to travel again

©Exploramum and Explorason – plan ahead

Travel within ‘The Bubble’

Countries are now planning to open up their borders for tourists to travel in ‘Bubbles’.

An example of such countries is Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia, which have a plan of opening their internal borders for tourism. Australia and New Zealand are also forming a Travel Bubble that will allow citizens from the two countries to cross each other’s borders for tourism and other engagements.

Do research on ‘The Bubble‘ created between your state or country and its neighbours and plan appropriately. You can also do research on any other country, not necessarily a neighbouring nation that could be allowing tourists from your region. Island nations are some of the countries identified as COVID-safe, and that might be the first to open their borders to visitors. Many have zero reported cases of the disease. Do your research and identify some of these countries.

Covid-19 Preparing to travel again

©Exploramum and Explorason – support local business

Travel Intrastate and Support Local Businesses

The current crisis has had adverse effects on businesses around the world. People have lost their jobs, while most businesses are only hanging by a threat. These include hotels, restaurants, bars, tour and travel companies, as well as those in entertainment businesses.

These are all businesses that require your support. This support will be appreciated when you travel within the country and use some of their services. You could travel from your city to another city in the same country. Take this time to discover your own state or area first. You will be able to use most of the services provided by some of these businesses that are currently on their knees. This will be a form of travelling for fun and for humanity.

Covid-19 Preparing to travel again

©Exploramum and Explorason – the world awaits you when safe

Stay Positive & Be Wise

Try hard to be optimistic. It is important to fill your mind with facts only and not conspiracy theories. This is the time you will hear of false stories about the current situation we are in. As you might have noticed, many people have been in a panic mode and don’t know what to make of whatever situation we are facing. Just try not to listen to everyone. Instead, stay positive and make wise decisions. Try seeing yourself past Covid-19 since this too shall pass. We will make it out alive and more motivated to appreciate life in whichever way we can.

Covid-19 Preparing to travel again

©Exploramum and Explorason – plan a Staycation in your own city

Book a Staycation

As we learn to manage Covid-19 preparing to travel takes on a new meaning. A ‘Staycation’ is an interesting concept that allows you to tour different places in your area while still having access to your home. It is the best way to support local business as you visit various places. You could visit a theme park or museum with your family. You could also attend fun events like music, drama, sports, and even food festivals. Alternatively, you could visit local pubs and restaurants for some good time with family and friends or just go swimming. There is just so much that can be done in your area. Do it for the sake of your happiness as well as for the many local businesses that wouldn’t survive without your help.

Covid-19 Preparing to travel again

©Exploramum and Explorason – Norah Head Lighthouse

Discover your own Country

Nation-building should be your first priority as a citizen. Try and help your government revamp the country’s economy by being a domestic tourist. Perhaps this is the only option we have after every country closed its border in fear of the Covid-19 disease. Take this time to learn more about your country by touring different tourism attraction destinations in your country. Try to book directly to ensure that all the money goes directly to the business and not to an overseas booking site.

Covid-19 Preparing to travel again

©Exploramm and Exploration – Book a pet-sitter

Questions and Comments

  • How do you think you will go when you are ready to travel again?
  • Are you nervous to travel again?
  • What’s the first place on your ‘Bucket List’?
Covid-19 Preparing to travel again

©Exploramum and Explorason – Covid-19 Preparing to travel again

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70 thoughts on “Covid-19 Preparing to Travel Again

  1. While we’re not yet allowed to travel anywhere and stay overnight, one thing that this has taught me so far, is that there is so much to see close by! And by that I often mean the garden! Loving the wildlife and the new learning opportunities for the natural world that it brings

  2. This is so helpful. I have to admit that I am still trying to become comfortable with the idea of travel right now but this definitely helps. Thank you for sharing.

  3. My husband and I are very keen to get back to our traveling around Australia. At the moment we are catching up with family and friends and the plan is to set off next week. We are excited that other states will be opening their borders in July. I am really hoping I get to see the cuttlefish in SA – its on my bucket list.

  4. Wow! Great article! Simply reading through it made me realise how much travel is about to change. However, I just hope this post-pandemic does not make travel restriction stricter for third world countries.
    Oh and I completely agree about the cheap travel bags! I have already bought 2 even as the numbers in our country continue to go up!
    Optimistic much? 🙂

  5. I appreciate hearing another perspective on this topic! We are currently in New Zealand and getting ready to travel again in a couple of weeks. This is a great list of how to use the time wisely! We just hit the doctor yesterday 🙂

  6. What a great article, I didn’t even think about buying new luggage. I think most of my travel in the next couple of months will be local (in Texas) which still gives me a wide area to travel. We have been camping quite a bit since we have a travel trailer.

  7. These are all great tips for starting to travel again. As I’m in the UK, a lot of countries aren’t keen to admit UK nationals for now. Think I’ll be sticking to UK staycations for a bit!

  8. I was lucky to get out on a road trip and local vacation lately – however as soon as I returned, I learned that cases were spiking again. Such a tough time for us travelers! I’m so excited for a post-covid world…

  9. I love this article! My wife and I are waiting for her visa application for Australia to be accepted and we are going crazy wanting to travel there already! This list has given us some great ideas on how we can pass the time while waiting 😉 We’ve been discovering more of Spain, doing road trips and making the bucket list you suggested! Thanks for the tips!

  10. Great article. I’m from India and the COVID scene is still pretty bad here. So looking forward to travel again after being holed up in the house in isolation. Already experimented with a road trip. Next on the bucket list is a staycation at Maldives.

  11. Love these tips – losing weight is great for me haha it’s a content goal! We’ve also been doing some road trips – something I’ve never done before Covid!

  12. It seems impossible to imagine a time when travelling will feel like the norm again. I’ve got such itchy feet, but I think I’ll continue exploring my own backyard for a while longer. There are so many local adventures to have in my home state of Victoria now that we are emerging from our long lockdown.

  13. This was really informative. I live in Toronto and have really used the past year to explore closer to home. Its funny how we do not realize the beauty around us sometimes.

  14. This is a very informative article. I had never heard of the “Bubble”, but that’s probably because I’m in the US. We haven’t been able to travel much, and are looking forward to it again, but what we have done is some camping and road tripping. It’s a great way to scratch the itch and still stay safe.

    What we are doing is double-masking everytime we enter a gas station or public toilet. And making sure to sanitize our hands as soon as we get back to the car.

  15. I’m really looking forward to travelling again and I’m trying to lose some weight before I do… as I’ve gained over this past year. I am going to book a staycation first. Then once I’m sure restrictions have been lifted enough, I’ll look to travel abroad.

  16. These are really great tips thank you. I’m in the UK so have been doing a few staycations but we can’t wait to travel overseas again soon….fingers crossed….

  17. Some great ideas here. I love the idea of short camping trips and staying local, as even in Australia where we have been spared the worst of Covid, there are still state lockdowns and borders going up, sometimes at a moment’s notice. My sister-in-law and her partner recently bought an SUV and are off on their road-trip soon…might follow suit!

  18. Traveling virtually is the only option now. My Instagram ‘saves’ are full of new offbeat destinations of my own country, especially of Northeast India. For the love of mountains and fitness- I have already lost 8kgs, 7 more till normal BMI. But I won’t travel now unless it is very necessary. In India, the cases up tremendously spiked up too.

  19. Camping for sure!! We camped 46 nights in 2020 and have 30 nights planned for 2021! Camping is a great way to social distance and get out of the house.

  20. Here in France we’re getting ready for travel too – but incoming! We should be getting our first batch of visitors as of June, when the digital passports become available.

    Also, a lot of people are choosing to stay home this year and putting off foreign travel until 20211.

    I’m definitely getting ready by working to shed all the kilos I picked up during my many “baking experiments “! 🤣

  21. Great list! We’re doing so many of these at the moment (dentist trip booked for this afternoon!) and my daughter is insisting in new luggage.
    The cost of glamping has tripled in the UK for this summer … I’m still holding hope we’ll get into Europe later this summer 🤞

  22. These are all great tips. I can’t wait to start traveling again! Would love to have our own RV or caravan – seems like the perfect solution to post-pandemic travel! 🙂

  23. I can’t wait to start travelling again. We are going to be staying close to home for now. I have noticed a lot more of my friends are buying campervans. I think having your ‘own accommodation’ is the way forward.

  24. I’m not nervous about travelling again just anxious about further restrictions to be honest. I can’t wait to get on the road again.

    First place on my bucket list is Canada as my sister in law lives there and had a baby 5 months ago so need to meet her while exploring Canada!

    Great tips about researching a travel bubble (I didn’t know that about Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia) and about luggage being cheaper at the moment – I never even thought of that.

    P.s. your ‘get healthy’ paragraph reminded me that I need to see a Dentist before I start travelling again, so thanks for this!

  25. Great article! Being free to travel again is like giving everyone a big dose of HOPE. I plan to take the train the San Francisco and see the sights! We had planned a trip there last year but it got canceled due to Covid. Can’t wait to reschedule.

  26. I’ve just booked my first international trip for September as I know I’ll be fully vaccinated by then. I’m beyond excited. But I must admit, I’ve dreamt about buying an RV to avoid the new reality of airplane travel!

  27. I am SO ready to travel again and am making plans already! I think it’s really important to be flexible and make sure anything booked can be cancelled without charge, though. Travel insurance is more important than ever, too!

  28. Our plan is to do a lot of traveling in our campervan, which has the added bonus it naturally makes you social distance. A lot more than when we used to backpack everywhere 🙂

  29. These are some great suggestions. Travel is slowly starting to open up here in the UK now and maybe it will get back to some sort of normality in the rest of Europe once the vaccines have been rolled out. Still, think it won’t be until 2022 when everything is back to some form of ‘normal’ though.

  30. These are great suggestions. I really can’t wait to travel again – I’m in the uk and things are opening up again but so many rules in places. I was able to have a few staycations though!

  31. Here in the UK we’re just tentatively lifting travel bans, but there is much anxiety about where we are allowed to go. With our vaccine rollout proving to be a real success (they had to get SOMEthing right! ;), it does feel like we may have turned a corner.. but then.. there’s always the new Indian variant to put us back in our places.
    I’m guessing, and I suppose admitting that travel won’t and shouldn’t return to what it was…we just have to stop binge flying… climate change and all that.
    For the travellers among us (and I so so want to travel again properly in my lifetime!), we need to see a serious uprise in sustainable travel – not just greenwashing aeroplane offsetting…which I struggle to ‘get’.. More trains, more electric car travel, more localised travel. We have a long way to go.. Any way, sorry for rambling on, thanks for the blog

  32. I love that you included getting new luggage, getting healthy and losing weight. I think people forget about their health when it comes to traveling… maybe not as much now but I think you bring up good points. It’s much easier to travel, carry luggage, and adjust to different schedules and obstacles when you’ve been taking care of yourself, getting good sleep, eating healthy and working out. I’m from the States and luckily, have been able to travel a bit (I am in Costa Rica now!) but our next trip is a road trip through the southeastern states of the USA, which is exciting! We love international travel but with the current situation, seems like a good time to explore a bit more of our country, before we head to Bonaire in November. Great post; thanks for sharing! 🙂

  33. Great Tips! I’m desperately waiting to travel again. Things are yet to settle down in India. Domestic travel has come to a halt. International travel is a dream. I hope things get better soon.

  34. Such a helpful list of ideas on how we can pass the time while waiting. My airbnb wishlists are currently full of staycation trips within our/nearby provinces. I also like the idea of booking ahead for future trips as many hotels and tours are now offering huge discounts!

  35. Great article! We are normally fulltime travellers but have been waiting things out in Qld. Planning to resume our travel within the next couple of months (fingers and everything crossed)…

    We had planned on seeing more of Oz but it is so expensive compared to travelling overseas, and the border closures made us reconsider.

    Cheers to future travels

  36. What a great list of suggestions! Some I would never even think of if not because of this list. There are so many countries that have been lifting their travel restrictions, and it’s excellent timing for me to find this post. Thank you for sharing!

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