My Son Meets Some New Friends
At Boca Brava Panama
A Quiet Start
My son was going to have a quiet day today (as we have been tired) when it is turned upside down when he makes new friends At Boca Brava.
We have been starting off his new world school year. We are using the Australian school term calendar for his schooling so even though we focus on learning as we go, he still gets a rest. Education experts have kept advising us to stick to his Australian school calendar regardless of how busy our single-parent travel adventures are.
He has been behind with his written activities and is caught up on 95% of it. We only have a few pages of maths to go as he rips them out of his book – well done to him!
In Walks The Boys
So as we sit in the quiet of the cafe to use the Internet, along comes a family with twin boys from New Zealand. They are both eight-years-old.
We were meant to leave this island tomorrow but I know he really needs some ‘kid company’. So I talk to their parents and ask if they would be around if we prolonged our stay.
“Yes”! My son is thrilled.

©Exploramum and Explorason – heading off in the water taxi
Boca Chica For Supplies
So we quickly hop on a water taxi to Boca Chica for supplies.

©Exploramum and Explorason – the local mainland town of Boca Chica
We get dropped at the wharf. Both of us walk up the little street and stock up on snacks. Men sit outside – they all have mustaches. I’m finally relaxing after feeling a bit of travel fatigue a few days ago I realize.
It is a quaint town and my camera is not too good because we discover it is set to underwater mode!.

©Exploramum and Explorason – relaxing and playing together
New Friends
The boys have a great time together and get along instantly as new friends at Boca Brava. They hang out together at breakfast and they seem like brothers – all three of them.
Heading To The Beach
Next day, after he has finished his writing, we all head off to the beach. It is fun to see the boys all muck around, and I see my son having the time of his life.
The boys decide to take us from one beach to the other.
Rock Climbing
When we finish there, they decide we need to go rock climbing. So off we head as we scale right around the point.
Time For Lunch
We head back to the hotel for a lunch break but it’s late in the day now. Then it is dinner – or ‘tea’ as we would say back home.
Searching for Monkeys
Then the boys want to go searching for monkeys so we head off with our flashlights in the dark. We didn’t find any and decide we will try again in the morning. We can, however, hear the howler monkeys quite clearly.
That night these new friends at Boca Brava are still as thick as thieves. They are such lovely kids and my son is really enjoying this time.

©Exploramum and Explorason – the 3 boys hang out together
If you are concerned about friendships as your child or children travel, let me assure you that children are plentiful in the travel world, and I’d love to allay your fears and concerns.
Tomorrow we go exploring – find out where we go.
Questions and Comments
- Are you an outgoing or maintained individual?
- How often do you network,exchange contacts or make friends while traveling,as a single parent?
- How do you create rapour with the people you meet?
- Do share your comments with us below.