Homeschooling while you travel

©Exploramum and Explorason – going to visit schools as part of homeschooling


Blog as part of your schooling

A child’s own blog is a great teaching tool. Set it up before you leave. This is something we decided to do long before our family travel. You must do this as a parent. Among the things we thought we would write about are, luxury travel experts services and single parent travel.

My son types it up on the computer as a word document. We then correct spelling errors. It helps him with English grammar, sentence forming, free writing, and computer skills. Once corrected I do the uploading. A blog link will be available soon.

There are many safe kids’ blogs if you want to leave him to it. We settled on linking his blogs to mine, with me as 100% oversight since I felt he was too young to have his own. Just Google kids’ blogging.

Also look at

Laptop computer or iPad

Your child should have a personal laptop or iPad, as you will both work your blogs at the same time most often.

Talk to your child’s school

You need to have a meeting or two with both Principal and Teacher – as soon as you have decided to leave. A good school will work with you throughout your child’s education.

In SA you need the government’s permission to take a child out of school. I had two meetings with my child’s teacher and the special learning unit.

They gave me tips daily regarding homeschooling, taking time to have vacation breaks like in normal a school, and involving the school so that his class buddies and school can use our trip as a learning tool, and link him back to his friends.

I also contacted a school overseas with the same name as his school, so we could link the two schools as sister schools. They are happy to receive him and we can’t wait for that part of the journey.

I contacted a couple of English-speaking overseas schools (once I had arranged accommodation). My child can attend class there for either some few days or a week as a visiting student.

This gives you a breather to catch up on things or go shopping child-free, whilst they are in those schools.  Or time to just do your own work.

With homeschooling, make sure you check out the safety of the school before leaving your child. If it doesn’t feel right, you as a parent stay, or bring a book and sit under a tree whilst he is in there. Though we found it is a great way for him to learn the culture & language, make new friends etc.

Here, he is showing his temporary class in Fiji what his school looks like.  He was only 5 on this trip. I stayed in the class, and we taught songs and shared our culture.  It was a fabulous highlight of that week.

Talking to other parents who home-school

I talked and emailed many parents before we left. Those who home-schooled these children and from them, I learned valuable lessons. I also looked up many sites on the web. see

Buying books before you go

I also bought learning books for homeschooling on Maths, Writing and English and several readers from op shops and when on sale. I had these tucked away for the trip.

Buy slightly more advanced from where your child is at currently, if purchasing in advance, as you will be amazed once they start reading how quickly they progress.

Homeschooling websites

There are myriad of sites – just Google homeschooling. A great site where you can purchase used home-schooling books is

When traveling in English-speaking countries, stock up books (including readers) as they are hard to find especially for children in countries where English is not the primary language.

We then donate to the school libraries in 3rd world countries once finished.

Books to help the homeschooling parent

There are many great books and websites to aid both the parent and child.
Here is one great book I recommend.

Visiting schools for cultural exchange

Overseas visits to schools, even just for an hour or two teaches your child culture and awareness.
There are also homeschooling and worldschooling communities but as this is a very alternative lifestyle please use caution as we have encountered some facilitators in this field I would personally steer clear of.
Questions and comments
  • Do you believe in home-schooling while traveling?
  • How else do you ensure your child isn’t lagging behind with his/her schoolwork while traveling?
  • Please leave your comments below.

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