We wake up to our last day in Poznan, Poland and the time has flown by.
Today we are off to have some family fun time. Family fun is an important part of our travel. Tie we spend together with no technology, and just having a good time. Warm water pools are great for that.
So read along as we share why this article is called ‘Positively Poznan Poland – Pools, Playing and Publicity’. Oh, and I could add yummy Pizza to that list too.
So we use our Poznan City Card to catch a #8 tram. It is right on the next block from the Puro Hotel where we have been staying, and it doesn’t take long. We hop off the tram in the center of the road and walk about 10 minutes – not far. It is by the Lake and you can see the ski hill in the distance, so that way you know where to head.
Then we arrive. This is the largest indoor pool area in Central Europe I believe and is called Malta Thermal Baths.
We get a 3-hour wristband and head on in. It is quite different from other aquatic centers. You walk through a communal change room. We don’t know the rules, and there are no signs in English, so we didn’t know it was “shoes off”. So if you visit here, bring some flip-flops or as the Australian’s call them “thongs”, or beach feet, or you have to walk in with your socks on, and the floor can be wet as others leave the pool.
The wristband allows us the use of a locker each, and change cubicles are to the side. These seem to be constantly cleaned – very nice!
I suggest walking to the very end of the change rooms and using this area, as it is quite cold in winter, and less of a walk out to the pool area. It is also close to the open showers.
When we walked out into the main area, we were unaware of how many hidden and outdoor pools there were. I asked a Life Guard, but he told me the outdoor pools and slides were shut, so we were disappointed. But he just didn’t understand my English I think. About 1 hour later we look up and see a green light, and at the top, there are tunnels and slides that are open. There were so many water slides!
But prior to this, we had a great time in the heated whirlpool. It was so strong we could hardly get out. I was going around and around for about 10 extra turns. Each time I tried unsuccessfully to exit the pool. It was quite funny but by the end, I was super tired just trying to hang on to the corner to extract myself from the force of the water.
In this area there a MANY pools with all sorts of jets, sprays, whirls and even a swim through the area to the outdoor pool. This is actually open outside, but I never managed to get out there with the camera. Sometimes the camera is just put away so we have a good time together.

Exploramum and Explorason – Poznan Poland, Malta Thermal Bath and Aquatic Park -so many hot pools to choose from
There are quite a few main pools for swimming laps and lessons.
Also a few kiddie pools too and one with a large pirate ship in, but no way was Explorason was going to go in there!
The full-length pool is in the next room and it is hidden away from the aqua park area, so another surprise.

Exploramum and Explorason – Poznan Poland, Malta Thermal Bath and Aquatic Park – sports swimming pool
Then there is a wave pool. This is pretty strong too.
Next to the wave pool is the open slippery slide. This was the only slide we knew was working at the time, but we were in for a surprise.
When we discover the top slide shoots are actually open, we are really excited. The first trick is to locate the tube rings to ride on.
They are hidden downstairs in the exit area of the water slide area. All is very neat here at Malta Thermal Baths.
Explorason goes to explore where they are and comes out with 2 rings. They have handles on them, so easy to carry.

Exploramum and Explorason – Poznan Poland, Malta Thermal Bath and Aquatic Park – finding the rings to use
We head up the stairs and there are 3 color-coded holes in the wall. The only one tube allowed for use is the aqua one.
I always play and have fun with Explorason when we go to the water parks. Being an only child he needs to interact with others, so if there are not many children around on weekdays like this time, I am there to have a great time with him.

Exploramum and Explorason – Poznan Poland, Malta Thermal Bath and Aquatic Park – about to take my first slide
We used this one the most. There is a green and red light to self-regulate when you start your descent. We went down together, separately, raced and more. This slide for us was the biggest winner.
In another area, there are thermal water pools, and I adored these. my skin felt so soft, and it was just beautiful – you just need to ignore the mirky color. I used these a few times whilst there. They were warm and with jets for my back.

Exploramum and Explorason – Poznan Poland, Malta Thermal Bath and Aquatic Park -one of the thermal pools
There was a pink waterside that seemed to open a couple of times whilst we were there and we went on that too, but I had the camera tucked away in the locker at that time.
There is also a sauna area and a restaurant.
I never took much notice of the time. I also had no idea the time was really strict here, so when I thought it was about time to go, I noticed people checking their band on this (see pic below). I went to have a go, but of course, it wasn’t in English. So we decided to make a mad dash and leave. I’d been so busy taking photos to share with you, I didn’t take notice of the time.
We quickly got dressed, but when we went to leave we were told we had overstayed and there is a cost per minute. I explained I never knew the rules and they were OK, but this needs to be noted if you visit here.

Exploramum and Explorason – Poznan Poland, Malta Thermal Bath and Aquatic Park – Make sure you check your time
We headed back on the tram with our Poznan City Card to Puro Hotel, and then we quickly changed for dinner.
There was a fabulous Polish Pizza Place in the next street, and so we enjoyed that.
That evening it was time to share and publicly promote Exploramum and Explorason’s visit to Poznan.
We had been asking for a Radio interview at Merkury Radio.
Our friend Silvia (we reunited with her 2 nights ago after meeting originally in Guatemala) picked us up and drove us to the radio station.
This was Explorason’s first time at a radio station. In fact, it was my first time too come to think of it.
At first, we were both a little nervous. I was really impressed with the interview, and how confidently Explorason shared his journey.
He was pretty much the focus of the conversation. A nine-year-old traveling to 47 countries is a pretty rare thing, and he had a lot to tell. Here is the link if you’d like to listen.