My friend Annalisa from Mom with Backpack has invited us to Italy to be part of the Children’s Tour in Italy.
Here we meet up with many other Italian travel bloggers, and I also meet an amazing and positive family. The Mum, Elisa is also a travel and world-schooling blogger.

Exploramum and Explorason – Children’s Tour – Blogger Panel
So a little more about world-schooling. What is it? It is turning opportunities and situations as you travel into focused learning opportunities, mainly with a fun style of interaction.
For example – Annalisa’s husband, Simone spends some of his work time at a 3D Lab here in Italy. We go to visit him at his Lab, and he shows Explorason how a 3D printer works, and in fact, how the whole 3D Lab works. Explorason was so enthused he came home and researched more about it and images etc. So if you need some 3D printing, take a look at their great website, and get in contact with Simone.
(Unfortunately, I never had my camera on me, so just managed to snap a pic on the phone at the last second!)
Simone also shows Explorason how to use an Infrared Camera at their home. This is something he has been interested in for ages, so it is a great learning time for him. Just because it isn’t a formal classroom, it doesn’t mean a child isn’t learning. In fact, world-schooling often gives the child a broader scope of opportunities to learn and grow.
Here is an interview I have with Elisa, and I must admit – YES – I get excited when I talk about our world journey and how we incorporate world-schooling as part of our journey.
Please take a look here and read the interview – it is in English too.

Exploramum and Explorason – Children’s Tour – learning how to make chocolates – this too is world-schooling