Exploramum and Explorason – drawing at Montmartre #1
Dreams come true in Paris
It has been raining all morning and tomorrow we leave Paris. We still have a dream to achieve for Explorason. He loves his art. He loves to draw, and although he has previously done some painting here at Montmartre, he wants to come back and draw.
He had a vision of sitting amongst the artists. So today, we decided to make the dream come true.
Since we are not living here, we have no stool or art easel for him, and with a slightly shy child, he asked if I could buy a cup of coffee, and he could start by drawing at a cafe table. So this is what we do.

Exploramum and Explorason – Explorason drawing at Montmartre #2
I sat and ordered a cappuccino. I didn’t look at the menu. Seven Euro later outcomes half a cup of very average coffee. I took a gulp and hoped this experience was worth the money.
I then run out of coffee, and he has plucked up his nerve and we move to a side gutter, where I sit on a doorstep, whilst he sits down to draw. Next thing he is pulling a crowd (alas no photos) and many are taking camera shots of him.
He sat in the end for two hours. Totally immersed in his art. When it became too cold and I asked if we could leave, he told me I had ruined his “happy place”. This made me feel pretty sad, but he did really enjoy it.

Exploramum and Explorason – Explorason drawing at Montmartre #5
His dream had come true. He made a drawing at Montmartre with the artists. We then left and our kind Explorafriend bought us a yummy macaroon.

Exploramum and Explorason – Macaroons
What a great store. Check out this chocolate Notre Dame.
We decided we would then take a stroll along the River Seine for our farewell night. We had a horrid experience with numerous drunks at one of the Metro underground stations, including unclothed people, and excrement. It was everywhere we turned, and due to repairs in the tunnels, we found ourselves unable to find an exit or “Sortie” for the next 5 minutes. This should have been the station we use for our journey back home. We would find another. Sunday night in Paris isn’t turning out so nice.
We walked down and bought overpriced MacDonald’s – most businesses seemed closed. Drunks without shoes raided the trash as people ate. It wasn’t so nice either.
We managed to get to the River Seine just as the sun was setting behind the Eiffel tower – perfect!
We walked over the bridge and felt pretty good to be here in Paris and glad we made the decision to come in for one last night.
Back over the Ponte de Arte – “Bridge of Love” where lovers photographed their padlocks.
We walked down on the path beside the River Seine where there were groups sitting on the walls drinking beer and enjoying themselves. Further down two rats scurry away like a scene from “Ratatouille”.
The smell of urine under the bridges is overpowering for Explorafriend. We walk and look at the individual different heads on the bridges.

Exploramum and Explorason – Evening stroll along the Seine
Near Notre Dame, it takes a block to find stairs to get up.
Notre Dame has street performers and is lit up beautifully. We farewell the streets of Paris. Most of our memories are wonderful.
The lights at 10:30 p.m. have not yet lit up on the bridges.

Exploramum and Explorason – The streets of Paris at night
We decent the Metro for one last time.

Exploramum and Explorason – Paris Metro
Good-bye Paris.
Questions and Comments
- What do you find fascinating about Paris?
- What do you make of my visit to Paris?
- Do you believe dreams come true in Paris?
- Do share your comments with us below.