Do you have a ‘bucket list’ of places you want to travel to and things you want to see and do in this wide and wonderful world?

©Exploramum and Explorason- Kenya, Africa – Nairobi Tented Camp – Zebra with Nairobi in the distance
If you are a busy person; live the business or executive life; only have a day stopover on your flight; have a sporting or team commitments; or health issues that prevent you from long-term travel, then read on.
Now it’s time to tick an amazing safari off your ‘bucket list’, and time to book your flight.
In just 30 minutes from the Nairobi International airport is the Nairobi Tented Camp. Which also means that in 30 minutes you can be inside the Nairobi National Park with zebras or giraffes running right in front of your 4WD.
Now you have to admit – that is pretty exciting!

©Exploramum and Explorason- Kenya, Africa – Nairobi Tented Camp – a giraffe runs ahead
Not only will you manage to get in 3 game drives in less than 24 hours, you can also stay in luxury at the Nairobi Tented Camp – just like we did. (You can read about our stay here).
In just 36 hours we managed to fly from Lamu Island on the coast, into Nairobi, go on 3 separate game drives, eat 3 delicious meals, plus drinks and snacks, sit around a campfire, and stay the night right within the park. Then we were returned to the airport and flew out on our international flight.
Yes, we did all that in 36 hours – and honestly – it felt like 3 days.

©Exploramum and Explorason- Kenya, Africa – Nairobi Tented Camp – up close with a female Impala
We met some folks who’d come for the afternoon, others come for one night, and some stay a week. The choices are vast, but the standard is excellent.
Rain or shine, Explorason wanted our 4WD roof open – this was his dream come true.
We managed to have both sunshine and rain, but don’t get too concerned even if you hit a rainy day, because it still has bonus features for you.
For starters, the animals seem to stand or sit still if it is raining. With the roof closed, you can still take excellent photos from the protection of the vehicle – you stay dry, and the animals are a lot easier to photograph.
So it is very ‘up close and personal’, like this giraffe for example.

©Exploramum and Explorason- Kenya, Africa – Nairobi Tented Camp – close up of a giraffe
Another bonus with the rain is that it makes puddles. This means the animals come out to drink.
Like this lion and lioness, we sat and watched and photographed.
Right on the track in front of us. Now that is pretty awesome you must admit!
We saw Cape Buffalo rolling in the mud holes after the rain. But these fella’s were enjoying a bit of sunshine when the rain cleared.
We even saw a Silver-backed Jackal that was eating the termites that came out after the rain.
And then there is time to stop.
To stop and to stare into the eyes of nature, and to say to yourself….
I did it.
I made it.
I planned time for myself.
This is safari is incredible.
I’m having fun.
What a great experience.
How awesome is this.
……Words will start to flow.
I remember the smile on our faces when we finally saw our first giraffe. We squealed with delight. We were just so pleased.
And being on our own private safari meant we also had our own driver, and he would stop whenever we asked (as long as it was safe) to enable both my son and me to take photographs or to stop, look and learn about the animals.
Explorason has a passion for birds, so he really wanted time to take his photographs too, like this Crowned Plover below. So this is great for birdwatchers.
No matter how big or small the creature, we enjoyed each new discovery. We saw a lot of these Tree Hyrax sitting on socks after the rain. They were so cute. At night they are so noisy, they can scare quite a few people, which is quite funny when you see the size of them.
Right near the end of our third game drive, we managed to finally see Rhinoceros.
The white Rhino is very rare, and we saw both the black and the white rhino. One eats grasses, and the other eats leaves from bushes it the main difference.
As I write, just earlier today one of the northern white Rhinos died, leaving only three on this earth. The three remaining Northern White Rhinoceros ( Ceratotherium simum cottoni) are all in Kenya. The stay at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy, where they are being protected and watched 24 hours a day by armed guards. Sadly, the NWR species is now widely considered on the brink of extinction. Hunted down to minuscule numbers by poachers in years gone by primarily for their horns.
So for us to see Rhino this day, was a very special thing.

©Exploramum and Explorason- Kenya, Africa – Nairobi Tented Camp – White Rhinos
As we leave the Nairobi Tented Camp a herd of zebras runs ahead. I felt this was the most incredible farewell God could have given us to Kenya, Africa.
Today ends a chapter of our world travels. Now in our 4th year, I feel we have left one of the best places on earth until last.
I have cried tears leaving Kenya. I have never met anyone like the Kenyan people. Warm, friendly, smiling, happy and loving people.
I used to say Kenya has stolen a piece of my heart.
But now I say “I give that piece of my heart freely”.
Kenya – I will be back.
I hope too that one day we can return to see other National Parks in Kenya.
This has just been one incredible journey…. and I say “thank you Kenya, and thank you Nairobi Tented Camp. What a wonderful ending“.
Gamewatchers Safaris – Nairobi Tented Camp
P.O. Box 388 – 00621, Village Market, Nairobi, Kenya, Africa
Tel: +254 0774 136523/4/5, 7121243.
Questions and Comments
- So what is in your bucket list of places to visit?
- What have you achieved so far?
- We would appreciate you leaving us a comment below. As always, hearing from our readers always encourage us to produce more content.
I’m definitely going there. Amazing. Love the accommodation
It is lovely isn’t it. Camping is now Glamping
Loved Kenya! I visited Nairobi, Mombasa, Nyali Beach & Diani Beach. Also did safaris at Voi, Tsavo West National Park, Serengeti & Masai Mara. Thought Mt Kilimanjaro was awesome too. The other partks are worth a visit – especially the guided walk at Mzima Springs ( when a hippo bellows, it is as scary as a lion).
I missed Nyali Beach – is it good – we want to head back so appreciate any tips on favourite places and why from you if you could reply Id love that 🙂