Birthday in Nassau Bahamas

Birthday in Nassau Bahamas

We just had an eventful and stressful last few days trying to get out of Cuba.

It cost us hundreds of dollars I never budget on.

But the good thing is we did get a really cheap flight to The Bahamas.

So as we fly over, I’m pretty excited!

When we arrive at the airport we see the flag.

We have collected flags from each country we have visited, and so Explorason learns and draws these as part of schooling.

The drag is that we had no internet in Cuba, and right at the end we found a hotel with wi-fi for $11 an hour but the signal was too weak to get to websites.

Fortunately, we had a nice group on our plane.

We had a delay of several hours after a plane had crashed on the runway in Cuba, so we had chatted and they had given me a hotel name.

So $40 in a taxi later, we arrived, and it was a great location with a view of the beach!

It was cold!  But we went for a walk to get our bearings.

I still had gastro from Cuba – 5 days now, so my son was keen to get fast food, and off to MacDonald’s we went. Remember – he has been in 3rd world countries with virtually no fast food for 12 months!

The hotel was way over our budget, but at least we had somewhere we could find a cheaper place – well so I thought!  It turned out to be party time by the pool each night and loud music so we had to move anyway.

Next day we had coffee on the beach and walked into Downtown.

Cruise ship heaven and masses of tourists pour into town.

We walked and walked.  Down to the Fish Fry and all over town to try and find a cheap place (that was clean and safe) to stay.

Well, they do not exist!

We went to the Bahama Faith Ministry church Sunday to hear the famous motivational speaker Myles Munroe. I was SO pleased we went. An amazing man and I am totally inspired to motivate others, and he really has a gifted ministry.  We were probably the only white people in a sea of black.

We tried to change hotels to a Guesthouse, but the nutty lady changed the price and room when we got there, so we moved to a hotel – just as expensive as the last one in the next street.

So after we move in, we hit the town and it is dead on a Sunday.


We pay $50 to eat Sushi and my son is still hungry.

The next day we are off to send a parcel back to Australia.

We get a wonderful lady at the Post Office, the rates are 1/4 of South America, and she gives us a free box, and we get a ride around with 15 kg bag by a lady we meet at the hotel. All things that save money!

We love the British feel to the town.  Back to driving on the left of the road nearly kills me crossing the street. I forgot which way to look!

We go to the pirate museum but decide not to go in as the price is a bit crippling.


We meet a fabulous group of golf caddies at the hotel and head off with them to the Fish Fry for Conch Fritters – they were fabulous!

Next day is my BIRTHDAY!  I turn 52 and am glad I am in The Bahamas.  My son gets out the Christmas lights we bought in Mexico, and decorates the room with toilet paper!

I even get a few gifts – souvenirs we had bought in Cuba he has wrapped for me, and he picked out a bag too.

We then head off to Paradise Island for the day.

Here is an array of beautiful glass decorations.

The throne is fabulous, and kids line up for photographs.

We head out and enjoy the rich life on the pier.

We have a hard time deciding which yacht we should take off on!

It is a great place just to walk around and reminds me of Disneyland for some reason. Just clean and neat I guess.

Time to head back on the ferry.

We wait over 1 hour and in the end, I have a bright red face!

My son wants to take me back for more Sushi and made me a sign and organizes with the staff to treat me special.  It was so sweet.

Next, he races off and I am brought a cake with a candle and sung Happy Birthday to.

Thomas – one of the caddies at the hotel brings me a bottle of French wine.

The guys all sing me Happy Birthday at the bar.

Then they take me down to the Fish Fry for my Birthday dinner.

It was a pretty good day!

Unfortunately, we have to leave.  I can’t afford to stay on my budget, but we did at least get to see The Bahamas!

I hope I can come back another time. Maybe with a little more money and visit more of the wonderful islands with their clear blue waters.

Questions and Comments
  • Are you a family that permanently travels around the world?
  • Do you often travel with your child?
  • How do you strike a balance between your career, family and travel, more so if you are a single parent?
  • How often do you celebrate those events that mean a lot to you far from home?
  • Have you been to Nassau Bahamas?
  • How did you find the place to be?
  • Do share your comments with us below.


Check out these amazing Nassau Bahamas special deals HERE


2 thoughts on “Birthday in Nassau Bahamas

  1. Hi, I have been to the Bahamas, stayed at Harborside resort Paradise Island, we visited Atlantis and sat on that throne. I had Starwood points then in 2004, I just wanted to say that I visited Bahamas Faith Ministries and we chatted to Myles Munroe there as he signed a book of his that I bought there, so sad that he and his wife died in a plane crash while going to Grand Bahama for a conference he was doing, think iyt was last year. I love to read about your travels.

    • Yes we loved meeting him – he had a great work. Glad you got to meet him too and are following our world journey. Have a wonderful and blessed day and remember to TRUST !

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