Selling possessions and getting ready to go
Family travel is different from solo travel. It means that you, as a family, will be leaving several items back home as you dive into the sea of adventure and beautiful uncertainty. You will discover that there are so many items that are better sold (Selling possessions) than being left behind to rot and get outdated inside your soon to be abandoned house. Some of the ideas I share here are inspired by a conversation with my luxury family travel experts who work tirelessly to help single parents like me understand what is required of the before and during a single parent travel.
You may want to sell …
(Our caravan was aptly called “Destination Paradise”. Sold so we can reach our real Paradise Destination!)
Selling your home or investment property
Be pro-active if you are selling your home. Don’t just leave it to the Real Estate Agent. Have them print for you some flyers and go to a nearby area that is one step down in price from your home, and letterbox drop. Or put them on cars in a shopping center or area event.
I also listed on Facebook when we had Open Inspections, and there are Real Estate Facebook pages. Be prepared; it could sell quickly or slowly.
Sell unwanted furniture and household items
If going for over 2 years, can I suggest you sell computers and electrical goods? They date and will be worth little on your return.
Garage Sales & on-line Sales
Garage Sales
Parents are child-free and partner free (no whispers of “you don’t need that”)!. They have more time to browse.

©Exploramum – money we earned
Selling online with eBay, Quicksales etc
We were fortunate that a motel was setting up a kid’s playroom for guests, and we sent 17 large boxes to Queensland.
I also found out that the fewer the toys he had, the more he played with the good ones.
Selling Plants, Pots and Garden ornaments etc
If you have beautiful pot plants, they might not be so beautiful when you come back. They may die from not being watered or the person career for them might become ill, or move. In other words, a plethora of circumstances may see your treasures end up as dead sticks if you leave them in someone else’s care.
The remainders can then go in the final moving sale, and what is not sold can then be left under the care of family and friends.

©Exploramum – some of these things were sold
- Would you sell your possessions in case you re traveling?
- What do you do with your most treasured possessions in case you are about to travel yet selling them is not an option for you?
- Please leave your comments below.