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Many families are seeking a lifestyle free of the encumbrances of 21st Century living in the United States, but that doesn’t mean doing without all the amenities we have become so accustomed to.
It simply means that many parents realize the importance of living a life more conducive to a family lifestyle, which often times simply means stepping back and slowing down.
For this reason, homes for sale in Costa Rica are a hot topic among families seeking to migrate south to Central America.
In order to understand the attraction of houses in Costa Rica, it is also important to understand just how much your children will benefit from a life far removed from the one they are now living.

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A Glance at Life in Playa Flamingo
While property in a resort area like Playa Flamingo may seem a bit steep by Central American standards, by US standards properties can be considered ‘dirt cheap.’
Where could you get a 6 bedroom home on one of the loveliest beaches known to man (and women that is) for less than $400,000 in many cases?
You can’t!
That’s your answer right there!
By browsing sites like encurentra24 you will see that many of these fancy looking bi-level and split-level hacienda style waterfront homes are virtual palaces.
With rooftop patios overlooking the pristine waters below, kids don’t even need to leave home to enjoy a bit of fun in the sun.
All they need to do is step outside, walk maybe 100 feet and jump in for a cool, refreshing swim in the hot afternoon sun.
Of course, parents need to be aware that there are dangers of kids swimming alone, but is that so very different than living on an ocean anywhere else in the world? Safety is
Safety is always a priority, so there is nothing new there.

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Why Family Homes in Costa Rica?
Many parents worry about the education their children will be getting in a ‘foreign’ country if they should choose to migrate there.
One thing you can be assured of besides, the affordability of virtual mansions in Costa Rica is the literacy rate that far surpasses that even of the United States!
According to UNESCO, in 2015 the literacy rate in Costa Rica was 97.8% but although the United States was not rated by this international agency, our literacy stands a good ten percentile points lower at about 87%.
So, family houses in Costa Rica are sounding better all the time, aren’t they?
One quick final thought is the fact that you needn’t worry about a language barrier in this Central American country.
Many schools offer a bilingual curriculum with English being a second language. Schools offer options in French and German as well, among other leading languages from around the globe.
It stands to reason that houses in Costa Rica make a good deal more sense than houses in the United States if you are looking for a more close-knit, family lifestyle with a high emphasis on education.
The cost of living is affordable and your kids will have plenty of family-friendly activities to keep them busy.
That, in itself, is well worth the move.

©Exploramum and Explorason –
- Have you been to Costa Rica?
- What would make you want to relocate there?
- Leave us your thoughts in the comments section below.