Guatavita, Sesquile and Laguna de Guatavita
We are staying in the beautiful colonial town of Guatavita, which is near to both the touristic locations of Sesquile and Laguna de Guatavita.
World Schooling
Today we start the day with our written and practical world schooling with some more structured learning. We are studying fractions, so Trash Packs toys and last nights pizza box become our’ tools’.
Exploring Guatavita

©Exploramum and Explorason – gorgeous Guatavita
We decide to take a break from written work where the desk was polished tiles, and go for a hike. We explore all the old homes and meet a lovely lady who invites us in. But sadly, the old lady’s exquisite Colombian home is not really clean. Here home is ‘dripping’ with other things as well as her style and antiques, but I can’t stomach the ‘aroma’ so we go. It didn’t help she had one tooth and a mole on her chin, so my son who has just discovered witches can be real, did a mild freak out, and we departed.
A Lakeside Wander
©Exploramum and Explorason – going to the internet café we sidetrack with a walk around part of the lake
We are seeking an internet café but none are open yet. So then wandered about 3 km – I am carrying the laptop – this was an unplanned hike! Later we meet someone that was robbed down by the lake so we feel like we were saved from an ill-event.
Plaza Del Toro
We wander past Plaza Del Toro toward the Internet Café and we are amazed that this is a place where bullfighting occurred in not so many years gone by.
Local Farmhouse
A local farmer lives here – we have done a full circle and this is next to our hotel.
Colonial Charm With This Courtyard Restaurant
- ©Exploramum and Explorason
- Charming local restaurants
- Wonderful food
After finishing the school work at the Internet we head off for lunch. The restaurant is deserted. My son has more energy to burn and races around the courtyard. We are fast becoming addicts of Colombian food. This is a spicy potato soup – Taza Ajiaco. It is fantastic.
Guatavita Local Delights
- ©Exploramum and Explorason –
- Explororing Guatavita
We wander around town some more as there are wonderful places to explore everywhere.
El Dorado has a nose pick – my son loves this photo. All this is around the tiny town! We walk down the steps to the church. Then we decide to find the old well and go hunting through the little houses and walkways. We wander and wander – and wonder where the heck the well is we saw photos of at lunch?
Ahhh – we find it! It is nearly dark, so we head home for an early night.
Laguna de Guatavita
Next day is a challenge. The bus tour we have booked to Laguna de Guatavita is short of people and has therefore been canceled.
We had already waited 2 hours around town. I was frustrated, as it was now lunchtime and part of our day had already been wasted. And then, I fall down a step, my foot is completely twisted and I am in agony. But I think it will get better – silly me.
- ©Exploramum and Explorason –
- Sesquile town square
We head to Sesquile on the public bus. By now I am limping, but we wander within the town – it is a square and one street! Here we are in the square.
El Dorado
- ©Exploramum and Explorason –
- El Dorado hike with a sprained ankle
I am ticked off by wasting the day, so I find a bus to take us to Sesquile and Laguna de Guatavita region. The legend of El Dorado lies here.
He is meant to have covered himself with gold and gone out on a raft. Is it also meant to have the Lost City under it?
By now I can hardly walk. I had no idea it is a two km hike uphill. It is also one way – so once on the track, I have to endure the pain as I am not permitted to turn back. I make it to the first look-out but Explorason is so worried and helps me all the way.
Worship Hut
This is an ancient style worship hut that is still used to this day. We don’t go in as they have had ceremonies and it all feels a bit ‘off’. It is also often asked not to go inside spiritual places when a tourist and one must respect that. If they believe t is a place which has spiritual force, then often this can be so to the negative detriment of those who pass through so we have found.

©Exploramum and Explorason – thankful to rest my ankle and enjoy Arepas
I finish the Sesquile and Laguna de Guatavita hike with two Arepas. So yummy! Cheese and sweet tomato chutney inside corn patties. The Andes Mountains are cool and there is a fire.
Our return bus fails to arrive and we head back by foot – 7 km to the main road. The one day I can hardly walk. A lovely family in a BMW 4WD collect us and take us down. Their son is great with his English and so the kids talk.
That night and the next morning I have to ice my foot as I could stand no pressure on it. It is swollen and painful. All in all, it was about a month until my foot felt fine but several days before I stopped hobbling.
Guatavita Museum
- ©Exploramum and Explorason –
- Wonderul local museum
But it is our last day in the region of Sesquile and Laguna de Guatavita, and the only day town is alive. We visit the museum and look at the old pottery. They even let my son hold a rare piece of pottery which makes for a nervous mother here!
Goodbye Miriam
As we head back we say goodbye to our lovely lady from the first day at the bus depot. Miriam has become a friend mainly because she has spoken to me nearly every day. I struggle with my Spanish but she endures with a smile and she is just so lovely. It is nice to have made a friend.
We have spent the best part of a week here and I will miss this town. I am rested (except the foot), have slept well, and had a great hotel – and top food.
It has been a love affair so far with Colombia for sure.
Questions and Comments
- Have you toured Columbia before?
- Did you get to visit Guatvita town?
- What amazed you most?
- Do share your comments with us below.