A road trip around Viti Levu, Fiji
These are the last two days of our very memorable single parent travel journey in Fiji as we’ve just flown from
Savusavu. We need a trip around Viti Levu (or Vitae Levu), Fiji. So as ‘explorers’, we decide we will hire a little car from Nadi and drive all the way around the island in 2.5 days. Luxury travel experts confirmed with us that this is the best way of taking a tour of a place like this. It places the wheels on your hands and allows you to decide on when and where your family travel will lead you to. So, go for a car hire and do a road trip around Viti Levu.
As we drive, heading North West, we notice that the houses in the area are more traditional with lots of traditional thatched bure.
It is raining and about to get dark. We discover that there are only 3 places for accommodation under $150 FJ a night on this part of the island. We are at the very top of Viti Levu. We see a sign to Volivoli – just out of Rakuraku, and venture up a really rough stony road 4km.
We get there and are told they are 5-star but have a couple of dorms at the back that is almost empty. We, however, need to check with a lady who is staying in one, if she will share with a child. The rest of the accommodation is fully booked. She agrees, and we get to check out the dorm – or “doom” as my seven-year-old calls it, as he climbs the bunk with glee.
There are a bathroom and shower on each side and it is nice and clean with linen and only costs $50 FJ or $27 AU a night. We are so pleased!

©Exploramum and Explorason – first stay in a dorm
We do the royal wave from the dining area – so pleased to be here!

©Exploramum and Explorason – The Royal wave from the dining room
The swimming pool is magnificent!

©Exploramum and Explorason – infinity swimming pool
There are free kayaks, and so next day we decide to kayak to Malake – the distant island you can just see 1.5 km away. My son is quite a good paddler, though we had to do a little directional ‘steering’.

©Exploramum and Explorason – kayak
We bid our dorm friend Fiona goodbye – we have enjoyed getting to know her – she has been traveling for 8 months and is off to meet her friend who has been sailing. Such a lovely person and we all got along well.

©Exploramum and Explorason – our dorm buddy
I enjoy the hammock by the beach. I feel quite relaxed here.

©Exploramum and Explorason – Exploramum relaxes
The guitarist makes our night special, but prior to that, it is Kava time. I don’t want any this time after a headache it gave me last time.

©Exploramum and Explorason – Kava
Dinner is Tuna, Wahu, and Walu (I think it is called) caught by a couple of guests at the hotel.

©Exploramum and Explorason – guests have caught fish for dinner
Time to leave after a great $5 breakfast – this place is a bargain.

©Exploramum and Explorason – big breakfast
We stop on our road trip around Viti Levu before the main road to enjoy the bay. Our little car doesn’t like the road much.

©Exploramum and Explorason – our hire car
We find the tomb of the last person who was eaten by cannibals as we continue our road trip around Viti Levu. The poor man had a run in with a Chief and touched his hair. It is interesting to learn about Fiji history prior to Christianity coming to the islands.

©Exploramum and Explorason – last Canibal grave
Thatched rooftops
We pass some more traditional houses. I love the thatched rooftops.

©Exploramum and Explorason – thatched roof home
Each village we enter on our road trip around Viti Levu has giant ‘neck-breakers’. A smaller version of these, used to be pushed in the side of the neck. This village was the village of ‘love’. Everywhere was painted with images of hearts, with emphasis on the need to love each other.

©Exploramum and Explorason – traditional neck breaker
The road to Suva is under construction and we have to take an old bridge as we venture on and drive on our road trip around Viti Levu.

©Exploramum and Explorason – wooden bridge
It takes us 5 hours of solid driving to reach the coral coast. The water is so warm – like bath water!

©Exploramum and Explorason – warm sea water
We stop at The Hideaway Resort. We stayed here last time and my son wanted a few turns on the water-slide. We still have another 2 hours drive back to the airport at Nadi.

©Exploramum and Explorason – Hideaway Resort
We end our road trip around Viti Levu and have to return the hire car. We have 4 hours to spare. So we walk across to the Takutaku Resort and get permission to use their pool and to take a shower. We change and give our swimwear and clothes from the day to a Fijian lady as we will not bring them with us.
We find new tourists at the airport just arriving and give away our local mobile cell phone sim card, and our maps, and the Lonely Planet guide to them and they are pleased.
We give away all our spare toiletries, and a few other items to get the baggage weight right.
Time to lighten our load as we head for Hawaii.

©Exploramum and Explorason – waterslide fun
It just starts to rain as we head to the airport. We enjoy one last Indian curry and change our money to US$. Tomorrow we will be in the Northern Hemisphere. The weird thing is we will be crossing the international date line to go to Hawaii, so we will end up arriving in the morning – on the same day we leave.
It means that we get two Sundays – which will totally throw the budget!
What an amazing two months we have had so far. We recommend Volivoli (just out of Rakuraku) as a wonderful place to stay. The prices include breakfast and use of the sports facilities. It is an amazing place and a value for money.
Questions and Comments
- What xperince do you recall from your trip at Vitilevu Fiji?
- Please share your experiences and comments below.
I’ve just been to Fiji for the first time in late 2019. Wow, was it amazing! And surprising that it was fairly affordable. I enjoyed 2 islands and plan to go back to visit others in the future. I remember vividly the Kava ceremonies and of course the gorgeous beaches!!
Fiji has been on my bucket list for so long! Would love to take a road trip around Viti Levu. It never came across my mind to take a road trip around this town. Such a great idea! I enjoyed reading your post and hopefully will be able to travel to this island soon.