
Packing List – What to take on the plane, bus or train

Packing List – What to take on the plane, bus or train The information I am about to share here to help create your packing list is very much similar to what you will get from luxury travel experts. My family travel tips are however more geared towards single family travel, a nitch in which […]

How it all started – the first talk on travelling overseas

How it all started: The first talk …. Many have asked me, how did the idea of traveling all start? Was I really ready for a family travel? Did I use any luxury travel experts to make my decision and experience more comfortable and memorable? How was I going to handle the challenges of single-parent […]

Studying before you go overseas to travel

Studying before you go overseas to travel Through online platforms, I was able to study more about the teaching of the English language as a Second Language. At some point, I was so confused about this but go more relaxed after a conversation with my luxury travel experts. In came to realize that it is […]

Health and Medical for Travel

Health and Medical for Travel As a parent, you are responsible for the safety of your child and the health and medical for travel of your family. You will have to choose whether to vaccinate or not before your family travel. Regardless of your take on vaccination, I believe that no one wishes sickness on […]

Sharing Your Dream To Travel

Sharing Your Dream to Travel And Telling others of your plans to go Once you have decided to go, and you have told your child, work out who is next. If you are confused about this, you can probably seek the advice of luxury travel experts. They will be kind enough to advise you on […]

Traveling with children – on planes, trains and coaches

Traveling with children: Things to do prior to disembarking 1. Toilet time Where possible go to the ‘loo’ before the seat belt sign flashes its final light up. It is way easier to do this now – without luggage once you have arrived in the terminal. Insist your child tries to go, even if they say […]