Isle of Skye Scotland to Lakes District England
It seems like it always rains on those days we decide to do long travels. It rains, and it rains! And today – it rains! We start with a stop. Our first town is just over the bridge. Along a very skinny country hilly road.

Exploramum and Explorason – Plockton #1
Up we go and then down the dale to find the cutest of towns. Plockton.
Love it. Wish we had stayed there. With the cute little houses and the castle in the hills beyond the bay.
If it wasn’t so grey, it would win an award for the cutest town so far. We headed out of this pretty town and I didn’t want to go.
Our next detour was a castle.
We were going to have morning tea here as we had decided.
Explorason loved the giant chess on the lawns.
We entered one of the many warm and lovely grand sitting rooms. Again – we wanted to stay.
We sat and had a lovely chat with the staff on the way out. Reason being scones were 16 pounds. No morning tea! So I drive on. I love driving. I’m the main driver and I’m very comfortable with it. Explorason has set up his mini party area in the back. Lovely armrest and has his books and games all set up with a drink on the side. The snow-capped mountains are all around us. Had we not such a long trip we could actually go up a chairlift. This really is the highlands of Scotland!
We made a risky side road stop for a picture of the Stirling sign. One of my family members has Stirling as their married name.
Morning tea ends up being in Fort Williams and there we had scones for two pounds, fifty pence. As we leave Scotland and the pine trees, it starts to bucket down with rain.
As I drive through Glasgow I am holding the steering wheel so tight. The rain is whipping down and it is hard to drive. The motorway is packed and we sit in a traffic jam for over 1 hour.
We end up at a bunkhouse we had booked, but it is an old stable and all the doors are to the elements, and there is no way I’m getting wet going to the toilet in the night. We end up asking an Inn and there, 2 men sit and are drinking.
So we chat with Mike and Mark who both turn out to be the loveliest guys who manage Denton House Outdoor Centre in Keswick, and they inform us that there is an empty suit for us. The price is right for our tight budget.
Mark races back and cleans the place so it is lovely for us when we arrive. They tell us all about their Outdoor Centre with bunks and we stay there. It is warm, dry and has a kitchen. Thank you guys for going out of your way to help us. We really appreciated it!
So we lie in our chunky bunk beds and realize what different types of accommodation our money buys. Goodbye Scotland – That trip was just way too fast, but a good taste of my ancestry.
Questions and Comments
- Are you a family that travels permanently?
- Have you been to Isle of Skye in Scotland england?
- What experiences do you have?
- do share your opinions with us below.