Monkey Business On Isla Boca Brava Panama
Monkey Business
Today we went out looking for monkeys in the dark on Isla Boca Brava but only saw a few. We often hear them howling all through the night and it is really loud.
My photographs were not that great as I had to use the flash and I’d only taken the small waterproof camera with us as we had been to the beach. But these monkeys have great eyes. I strongly believe that photography places a great part in our travel memories. Keeping photos of our family travels for future reference is important, and they seem to trigger wonderful memories.
Dawn And Dusk Are The Best Times
We go monkey seeking both at dawn and dusk on Isla Boca Brava.

©Exploramum and Explorason – the monkeys strip the trees of fruits
Usually, Explorason likes to do his drawing and written activities in the morning before visiting the beach in the afternoon.
This afternoon there were about 50 monkeys in the trees above us. This included Mums, Dads, the kids, and the babies. They made a heck of a noise screeching as they went along swinging from branch to branch.
These monkeys also devoured the flowers and fruits off the trees.

©Exploramum and Explorason – the monkeys then seemingly decide to use us as target practice trying to poop on us.
Action Time
But the way they got our attention was a story in itself. The photo is blurry but you can see how close the monkey is to Explorason’s head!
Missile Attack
“What was that?” I jump and yell. Green baby poop flies out of the sky. This is followed by a warm spray of liquid. They seem as if they were deliberately bombing at me from the trees. Gross. They barely missed me.
We stand back and watch these fascinating creatures. I wish I had a great zoom for this and not the waterproof camera.
Next, there is a newborn baby and also so many cute little ones. Tomorrow we study monkeys in our world schooling lesson Explorason proclaims. He likes to Google them and makes stories, and research about them it really is the best way of learning after he has seen them here so closely.
Have you ever seen monkeys in the wild?
Where did you see them and what did they do?
Tell us in the comments below – we’d love to hear your stories.