Packing List
and the General items to take

Packing List
-General Items I suggest to Pack / Take in alphabetical order-
One sheet, folded, get the strong sort. Trust me, you will find a use.
For whatever you are carrying – suggest flashlight spares.
Broad rim squash-able hat, ribbon hats are great for this.
Peak hat for the child; and/or hats with mozzie nets.
Swim caps with a peak and back of neck protection for both of you.
Carabineer – Belt/bag clips
For hanging drink bottle tops, keys and all sorts from your bag
I suggest 12… you will use them, and break them, and lose them.
For the camera’s, phones etc
You will be amazed how this doubles as a string or strong thread.
Door Jams & Room Padlock & Key
I suggest a metal and a rubber small door jam.
Sometimes locks can be faulty and you need to feel safe. It is added security, but also easily left behind.
A door padlock is rarely needed, but I have been told a bolt lock is all you get in many third world countries, so you might want it as an option.
If you do not take it, find a metal item to jam through the hole, possibly a screwdriver on your pocket-knife or a tent peg.
A small one for each person. I suggest wind-up ones. Also, lights that clip to caps are great for hands-free jobs.
Garbage bags X 2 – 4 Large and strong
Place one over the top of all luggage items inside your bag and tuck down to the zip area. If ever you have had your bags off-loaded from a plane or bus in a rainstorm, you will soon learn very few bags are completely waterproof.
My neighbor’s tip – thanks, Jenny! – is to take one and use when sitting in the rain such as on an outdoor boat or at a sporting event.
You open and pop your feet inside, put your bag between your legs, and then your rain jacket or poncho goes over your head.
You can access your bag and have dry feet for hours – so she tells me. Yet to try this handy hint!
glasses wrap for sports event like parasailing
Take a copy of your glasses script with you one-time.
Great for aches and pains. We got a ½ size one at Kmart – which we will share.
Forget the wheat bag – many places you won’t get a microwave. If you feel you must, buy a teddy wheat bag, and it can act as a security toy too.
One bracelet for each of you.
I made sure my son helped select the style as he will be wearing it. So there is no point in getting a style they detest.
We got bracelets with solid panels that can take lots of information on both sides of each panel. Full name, passport number & nationality, Emergency contact number. Blood group if rare.
As we bought an international phone sim that we were able to engrave the same mobile/cell number (each other) we have for the whole trip. I have our numbers on the front of the bracelet.
Beware of Deet % with children.
Insect Repellant – Wristbands
Suggest waterproof ones over cloth – though we have both and wear the cloth ones on our ankles (not in water) and the rubber ones on our feet.
Cheapest place is probably off eBay, but we got the waterproof ones at a $2 shop. They last 160 hours or more.
IMPORTANT: Re-seal in the plastic bag when not worn to extend life.
Waterproof or at least windproof are preferred if you can get them.
Mobile phone each with International Sim card
See reference under phones – heaven help your child gets lost you can ring each other. Of course, make sure they are charged.
Add emergency numbers and police for all countries you travel in.
A double adaptor or a power board is handy as often you have a short time and can’t be up all night changing items to the next one that needs a charge.
Safety pins
All sizes esp. both large and small.
A small can you hit the button and lets out an ear-piercing noise. Great to hold if walking in dark or creepy places…. though try not to walk there in the first place!
Needle and threads in assorted colors – you can often get these at a resort. Make sure you take a large eye needle that you can thread dental floss through.
Shopping Bags – Reusable lightweight
I bought a pack of 5 from Big W. Great idea for the beach, wet clothes, and packing shoes.
Yes, we are taking a small bag of these.
We are saving funds – and usually, explain this to people. Instead of giving a tip, we give them a badge. These do not take the place Of genuine tipping, but more-so to encourage, have a little fun, and make staff feel good, more so those who normally receive very little rewards.
Use discretion here – does not work in a classy U.S. restaurant for example in place of a tip, where they rely on tips to form their wages. However, in countries where tipping is not expected, it can be fun.
Pin a few to your bag or top for easy gifts to others you meet along the way. A great way to randomly encourage someone who needs a smile.
Sunscreen including Lipscreen
Make sure it is kid friendly, waterproof and high SPF (at least 30+). Check for allergies as children often get skin and eye irritations.
My son is highly allergic around his eyes to many sunscreens.
Thank you cards
Always leave a nice card wherever you housesit or home-stay.
Can buy in your first country, or grab from your hotel. A roll of the good ol’ funny paper is a must in the backpack. 1 roll is ok if you plan to share.
Towels – Microfibre Chamois
One each. Buy the largest size – as you will need to use as a beach towel and bathroom towel in some places. It is easy to also buy a bath towel at the supermarket when you land for a few $.
Travel Sickness Bands
Refer to description in the Blog … what to take on the plane.
Vacuum or plastic re-sealable bags
Ideal for space saving and for keeping items separate.
One for each person, adjusted to his or her height.
You need this when walking long country distances especially if there is a possibility of having snake encounters.
Also, helps when you twist your ankle etc.
My son even uses one and they fold to fit in your backpack.
Water filter or purifying tablets
Can buy at camping stores or online.
If you are a single parent, you may need to invent a husband who is not far away, or about to arrive, so you are not a target of local sleazes.
Also, Middle Eastern women are frowned upon if unwed with a child.
Make sure it can be worn on both hands so you can slip it on only as-needed. You never know – you might meet a nice single gentleman along the way!
One each – ideal to wear in crowded places in case you lose each other. Know ho will stand at the sound of the whistle and who will come running towards the other. This makes it easier and much faster to trace each other. (tie to backpack when not in use).
Ours hang off our back-packs all the time and can be worn around our necks too.
We have two: one in each backpack. One is a strap with two handle ends that slip over each wrist. The other has two clips for clipping onto bags or belts.
These are great for me when in busy airports since I can be hands-free to handle passports and luggage and not worry about a distracted child being lost.
My son loves this and puts his on as soon as the plane stops. Also useful in crowded cities, busy trains, buses etc so as not to be separated. You can also clip bags together with it.
With an alarm. Optional to take as you can use the alarm and clock in your phone.
Test everything
This point has been sent to me by my sister tonight through iPhone from the Aussie Bush. She has a new folding shovel and is out camping. And alas it will not open. She has reminded me to TEST EVERYTHING.
That zips work, locks function, and gadget all open and close.
Thanks for the tip BJ!
Questions and Comments
- What do you making of my long-term travel packing list?
- What general items must appear on your packing list?
- Do you have additional items you would like to share with us?
- Kindly share your suggestions and comments below.