We all need to work to support our family. And if you are a parent this is often a challenge for you. Especially, if some of us need to travel for business.

©Exploramum – single parents travel for business
Travel for Business as Single Parents
Even though as a parent we might not want to leave, we have to bring in the money to pay for the house and food everyone enjoys so much. It gets even more complicated when you are a single parent.
Here are some…
Tips for single parents who travel for business frequently.

©Exploramum – spend time with your kids making memories before you go away
1. Have Family Time Before You Leave to Travel for Business
When travel for business is required, you as a parent are going to be missing out on time with your kids while you go away. Plan accordingly and make a point to spend some quality time together before you leave.
You can spend the night before you leave making food together, watching movies or playing board games. As the kids get older, don’t forget to invite their friends on these nights, too. Older children hate missing time with friends because of your work schedule. This will make it easier to convince them to do it with a smile.
If you have a spare day, then go on a special outing; relax in the fresh air with a picnic or a hike, create arts and crafts together, and enjoy quality family time.

©Exploramum – money is important no matter where you are in the world
2. Find Ways to Save on Childcare
You’ll need someone to help you watch the kids while you’re away. However, child care gets extremely expensive, especially when you are away for days at a time. Consider ways to lower the cost of child care payments by paying in advance. This option is especially enticing if you have a credit card with very low interest. Then you have one less stress when you travel for business.

©Exploramum – spend time creating things together
3. Check-In Often
You don’t need to miss out on everything just because you are gone. Do your best to check in with your kids throughout the day. Talk to them in the morning and make sure to say goodnight. Don’t forget to talk to the adult in charge, too. You can also send pictures and videos to each other to stay updated. They will also be interested in learning about what you’re doing while away.

©Exploramum – keep in touch with your kids
4. Establish a Routine
Most houses have a clear routine. That doesn’t need to be disturbed just because you’re gone. Make it clear that you expect your children to follow the same routine as when you aren’t there. They should wake up at the same time and eat the same things for breakfast as normal. They should also do the same chores when they get home from school. If you have rules about television and junk food, make sure that you put someone in charge who will adhere to those rules.

©Exploramum – when possible take your kids along too
5. Take Them With You When Possible
Just because it’s a work trip for you doesn’t mean that it can’t be a vacation for the kids. If the trip takes place during a break from school, consider taking your children with you. They can learn about different parts of the country on the trip. You can also show them all about adult responsibilities associated with travel.
It can be tough as a single parent when business required you to travel
It’s difficult to leave your kids as a single parent. However, you need to work. Children can get frustrated when parents leave, but, if you follow these tips when you travel for business, you can balance both your professional life with your one at home.

©Exploramum – travelling for business can be lonely for both the parent and your kids.
Remember, when you are home, take advantage of those happy and precious family moments. They disappear too quickly.

©Exploramum – Single Parents Who Travel Frequently for Business
Wonderful advice. A very well written article.
Thanks, BJ. It gets easier now my son is older but it is an important subject now that single parents are increasingly entering the corporate sector.