©Exploramum and Explorason – International Women’s Day – Sharing love in Uganda, Africa with 3 reuniting 3 older women
International Women’s Day Photo Exhibit 2016
International Women’s Day – What is that? Each year an amazing mother, grandmother, daughter, girlfriend, and inspiring woman named Evelyn Hannon spend hours curating a collection of photographs of women from all around the world for her website Journey Woman
This special article celebrates International Women’s Day.
Both last year and this year she selected one of my photographs from part of our world journey.
This year my photograph features on Page One of the article.
It of three Ugandan women we met returning from working on the land. My friend Kimberly, from In The Field Ministries and I were there doing volunteer work (in the school and medical center they are building) in remote Uganda.
We’d daily go for a walk or drive, and meet the locals and make friends with them.
This was one of those days.
Click here to see the photograph and all the others collated in her exhibition for 2016.
Click here to see the photograph and all the others collated in her exhibition for 2015.
You will have to scroll through to Page 3 to find the one for 2015 – one of my all-time favorite road trips in Northern Romania.

©Exploramum and Explorason – International Women’s Day – Sharing love in Uganda, Africa with young girls/women
On May 8th, 2016 is this year’s International Women’s Day
Log onto http://www.internationalwomensday.com to find out what is happening in your part of the world.
Be involved.

©Exploramum and Explorason – International Women’s Day – Kimberly teaching hygiene to a woman to prevent jiggers, a parasite that burrows into the feet
I would like to commend Kimberly Rogers Calhoun of In The Field Ministries who takes several trips a year to help the impoverished in remote Uganda. Kimberly spent years as a single Mom, and has pushed through her own personal challenges, and is an amazing and dedicated woman.
Whilst we were there we organized three old ladies to reunite as friends and have afternoon tea together (top photo).
They dressed up, laughed and cried together and held hands. It was an afternoon they will never forget. Dresses had been purchased through the friends of the mission.
Work is also done with the ladies in the village to teach them hygiene, health care, and to provide adequately for their children.
I related because so many of them were single mothers.
If you would like to donate to In The Field Ministries to help with the work they do with women, please follow the links. All donations are 100% used in Uganda for their work with the locals.
We use much of our own funds to help the poor, and at times our friends have also helped along the way.
As a combined effort, we have helped buy a goat for a grandma, mattresses, and bedding for those who slept on mud floors, food for the hungry, clothing and shoes for those wearing nothing but rags; and a myriad of various types of assistance to poor throughout our time on our world travels.
We want to continue to do so and are grateful to those who have supported us along the way.

©Exploramum and Explorason – International Women’s Day – Sharing love in Uganda, Africa with the school children
Women – often left to raise a family alone.
I know, because I am one of them.
I am a single Mother. Once put down, and left with little self-esteem.
I used every ounce of my inner strength not to quit, but to walk away, and to make a start afresh. A start that has meant a lot of personal sacrifices. But a very worthwhile start.
But nothing can destroy the love I have in my heart. I am thankful that I can share that very love. Not just with my son, but with those we meet along the way on our world journey. Those we can now share random acts of kindness as we travel. No matter how much love we share, it grows so there is always room to give more of our love to others – giving that has become an addiction in many ways.
My mission is to inspire single Mums that once you find yourself alone raising a family, that it is not the end of the road. But just the beginning.
Our road has taken us all over the world.
International Women’s Day reminds me that it is not just about sharing the love in Africa, but each and every day.
If you are a woman, be proud of all you contribute to the world.
This is your journey. This is your road. It is not anybody else’s path, but it is yours.
Make a decision as to where you would like your life direction to be today, and then take that first step towards it.
Make your life count – for you are WOMAN.
Celebrate International Women’s Day!
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©Exploramum and Explorason – International Women’s Day – Sharing love in Uganda, Africa – I’m with a young mother with a sick baby with malaria