Our lovely start to Newcastle UK and Bamburgh Castle
Thanks to our kind friends in Accrington who gave us a ride in their new 4WD all the way to Newcastle.
There waiting for us was our next fun host, Maxine.
I met Max at a wedding in Perth many years ago, pre-child. And we hit it off.
All the men (our partners) had stag nights, golf games and bar visits, and there were Maxine and me from out of town, so we hung out together and became friends – that was a long time ago!
I don’t think she has aged or changed a bit. So happy and fun!
She even baked a pie with our initials on – and it was fabulous!
We head out for the day in her lovely Mini Convertible she has just purchased. Roof up. Roof Down. Roof Up again. This English weather changes so quickly.
It doesn’t help that each time we go past a Rape Seed field I start to cough and sneeze. Oh dear. I think I have an allergy.
We head to a lovely coffee shop for chocolate and beetroot cake – yes beetroot – and it was delicious.
We then head to Bamburgh – what a lovely town. In the distance is the castle where Harry Potter was filmed.
We head to the beach. The wind picks up and the sand blows along. There you can see Holy Island in the distance and other islands in the opposite direction.
We have a bit of fun and a tickle and wrestle on the sand. Love those moments.
To the other side is the Bamburgh Castle.
Part of this castle has been turned into apartments that are leased. How cool would that be? I do believe Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean’s) brother has one in there.
Next is a lovely pub lunch. Explorason is quite over having his photograph taken so we are getting a few faces from him.
Love this old building and the way the fruit and veg are for sale on the side of the footpath.
We head back with a long drive to her home.

Exploramum and Explorason – English wildflowers
That night, Max and I head out for a lovely dinner – love the ‘girl time’ we have. Explorason is looked after by her husband, and he is one brave man. He also has 2 girls to stay the night. There is a new pup due the next day, so the kids enjoy playing in the dog cage.
Next morning they go to collect their new addition to the family – a lovely pup named Minnie!
We take Explorason for a much-needed haircut at Selby and Eke.
Then we find a fab consignment kids store with tubs of Lego for sale. Explorason gets to pick a few Lego characters and a couple of plastic bags of bright bricks. We then train it to Tynemouth. As soon as we arrive it starts to rain. I think this is typical Spring in England. The flowers and this area is really gorgeous.

Exploramum and Explorason – Minnie
At the station is a huge undercover market. It is on each Saturday and Sunday. We had a great time looking around. If I collected antiques, this would be the place to come. We get back tot heir house and are so excited to meet ‘Minnie’.
Such a lovely pup.
Tomorrow we head to our house-sit. Time is really flying on this journey.
Questions and Comments
- Are you a family that travels permanently?
- What fascinates you about the United Kingdom?
- What experiences do you have from the United Kingdom?
- do share your opinions with us below.