Our day is action-packed as we head from Isla Amantani to Isla Taquile and back to Puno.

©Exploramum and Explorason – waking to a sunrise on Isla Amantani
I have a migraine that has kept me awake all night. Though sickness might spoil your plans, do not let it spoil your day or night.
Isla Taquile
Thanks to altitude sickness, I get to see an amazing sunrise here on Amantani Island – at least as I’ve not slept.
As I look at the beauty before me, I think of how much we have been blessed on this single parent travel life of ours, and how much fun we have had so far.
While deep in thought, I develop a deep desire to gain the type of experience that is often only seen among luxury travel experts.
We are sharing this Amantani Island home-stay with two other guests who happen to be doctors. Fortunately, our host has some strong headache tablets. He gives me coca tea leaves – my son thinks he is going to kill me. They are a type of nonpoisonous gum leaves and I assure him they are the best for me.
Breakfast Is A Dash

©Exploramum and Explorason – everyone helps and I’m amazed this little girl is able to cook the pancakes
With tummy’s rumbling, we sit in the humble kitchen as our hostess dashes madly around the kitchen, running off and getting supplies. Meanwhile, the 4-year-old is making pancakes!
Heading Back Down
- ©Exploramum and Explorason –
- heading down to Lake Titicaca
Almost sadly, we say our goodbye’s and hop on board our vessel to sail to the next island.
Isla Taquile
- ©Exploramum and Explorason –
- our 2 km hike in the hot sun
Soon we are on the next island embarking on a two km walk up a hill.
It’s interesting as we move from cold to hot weather. Gradually we are removing layers of clothes. At this point, we have run out of water in our water bottles.
Town Square

©Exploramum and Explorason – sitting with the local ladies to enjoy some shade
However, after a long walk under the scorching sun, we finally arrive at the town square. It looks so touristy but is lovely how everyone is dressed up in traditional clothes.
Only Men Knit

©Exploramum and Explorason – men knit here
Many men are knitting as we tour the area and they walk, talk and knit. This is a special island where only the men knit and they bring in the income for the island. Nevertheless, we can’t wait to hear their inflated prices, so as usual, we then decide to wait for Bolivia.
- ©Exploramum and Explorason –
- Education time
Mercifully, we have a choice to hike further and enjoy lunch on a cliff top overlooking the lake. Informatively, we enjoy a really educational and fun talk from our guide about their clothes and tradition and we both learn so much.
Belt of Hair

©Exploramum and Explorason – a belt made out of women’s hair the bride present to the groom to wear
Above is a photo of Explorason holding a belt made of women’s hair. A woman saves all her hair – from birth to marriage, and weaves it in and I can assure you if he returned here as a teenager, he would never touch it!
The images in the red represent the past, present, and future, e.g.: how many kids she wants.
Hats Of Peru

©Exploramum and Explorason – Single boy’s hat

– ©Exploramum and Explorason – Chief’s Hat (on top)

©Exploramum and Explorason – Man’s hat
Island Lunch on Isla Taquile
- ©Exploramum and Explorason –
- The Seafood lunch is amazing
Lunch feels more like we are on a Greek Island. It is a fabulous trout mean caught locally washed down with Inca Cola. The food is fantastic and so delicious and is a real gourmet delight.
It is the most wonderful end to a traditional time in Peru and I would highly recommend it.
Heading Down to Lake Titicaca

©Exploramum and Explorason – waking down the steps of Isla Taquile to Lake Titicaca
We wander down 400 steps (who is counting – me – I need the bathroom!). The restroom is at the bottom of the steps and therefore it is good motivation to get back down to the boat.
Putting Back To Puno from Isla Taquile

©Exploramum and Explorason – ladies pick the reeds
It takes 3 hours to return to Puno from Isla Taquile. Believe me, it is the slowest ride ever but apparently, the lake has a very low-speed limit. Returning to Puno inlet, we glide back past some ladies picking and drying reeds.

©Exploramum and Explorason – Tired but glad to be back in a real bed
- What attracts you to Peru?
- Would you go and visit an island in Lake Titicaca?
- What did you think of the belt made of hair?
- Tell us in the comments below – we would love to know!