In Panama City

Top 10 Things To Do With Kids In Panama City Panama

Everybody who desires to visit Panama does so not just because of its awesome weather patterns but because of its natural and artificial attractions, attractive local culture and friendly communities.  The indigenous people of Panama are plentiful and add an amazing sight to see in their colorful clothing. Such are the reasons why the city […]

My Son Goes To The Dentist in Panama – A Travel Guide

My Son Goes To The Dentist in Panama – A Travel Guide Dentist in Panama As we approach the 6-month start to our trip, I decide it is time for a dental check-up for both of us and so my son goes to the dentist in Panama.  Our discovery is that many people never plan […]

Panama Canal and Plans to go Exploring Panama

Panama Canal and Plans to go Exploring Panama Getting to the Panama Canal Panama Canal is something I learned about at school, so we want to head there today. But Explorason is not well and he hasn’t been well since last night. I feel for him, but we are leaving this area of Panama soon, and […]

Vacation Days In Panama

Vacation Days In Panama We are staying in the outer area of Panama city towards the countryside and it is time for us to enjoy some vacation days in Panama and explore and experience what is around us. Local luxury travel experts have already told us the places we can visit and the things we […]