Yesterday saw us heading north in Bulgaria.
We wanted to see the historical little town of Veliko Tarnovo and arrived mid-afternoon.
Veliko Tarnovo is the medieval capital of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom and the town with the most dramatic setting in the country.
It is perched on several hills, and the Yantra River meandering through.
It is filled with quaint stores and restaurants.
We buy a flag from each country we visit as part of Explorason’s education, and we shopped around. We found it for one-third the original asking price, and the lovely lady didn’t speak any English. Not that it mattered. She smiled and was so helpful as Explorason selected a small surprise Christmas gift for me.
Bulgaria is just a lovely place to visit.
We wish we had longer and seriously will consider returning to the Black Sea area of some time in summer.

Exploramum and Explorason – Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria – quaint restaurants, and stores
There are weird and wonderful souvenirs to behold. There are blacksmiths, coppersmiths, artists and many more workshops to also explore. This is known as the Samovodene Marketplace.

Exploramum and Explorason – Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria – Samovodene Marketplace
The artwork seen on this wall is also seen in other parts of Bulgaria. It adorns the walls of buildings, and I love it.
We headed down to the medieval area, and it was an easy walk.
Tickets need to be purchased before you get onto the old bridge, or you will walk half way up and have to turn back and buy them (like we discovered).
At the bottom of the street from where we stayed is a great little bakery. We bought yummy chocolate filled croissants, and feta cheese rolls for our car trip on the second day here – and they were still warm – yum!
There is; a light and sound show at the fortress of Tsarevets, and we got to see a little bit of it out of our window. It goes for about 20 minutes I believe and happens most nights. We saw visions of red and blue to the sound of bells. We sadly missed most, but we did get to see some of it. What a great location!!
We sadly had to cut our stay short in Veliko Tarnovo as we have limited time to meet up with friends in another country for Christmas. But we did love this little medieval town.
Bookings and Enquiries: Book a hotel in Veliko Tarnovo here
Questions and Comments
- What fascinates you about Romania?
- Have you been to Bulgaria?
- Did you get to visit Tarnovo?
- How was the experience?
- Do share your experiences, opinions and Comments with us below.