
Packing checklist – the general preparation

Packing checklist to go overseas on your lifetime trip! Start early – and I mean way early – start your packing now! Seriously – if you can put away what you think each of you will wear on the trip, then you will have new items you won’t be tired of wearing all the time, […]

Packing List – What to take on the plane, bus or train

Packing List – What to take on the plane, bus or train The information I am about to share here to help create your packing list is very much similar to what you will get from luxury travel experts. My family travel tips are however more geared towards single family travel, a nitch in which […]

Airport Security – practice it first

Airport Security – practice it first…. When all is said and done, your child is your most valuable possession on this trip. Traveling with a child through a busy airport, with all your possessions can be a lot to juggle, even with kids who have traveled before. So is there a way of making family […]

Travel Agents, Airlines, and Tickets

Travel Agents, Airlines, and Tickets Have a GOOD Travel Agent I cannot stress enough the need for you to get a reliable, trustworthy, patient Travel Agent. I would advise you try working with luxury travel experts on this. I have experienced so much benefit from this in my family travel. It has made our single-family […]

Travel thoughts on getting ready to go overseas

Travel thoughts on getting ready to go overseas TRAVEL Travel affords you many memories, vivid flashbacks that dance across your mind like skittish schoolgirls on their way to a big day out someplace. I can’t think of anything that will take away this experience – perhaps only experience itself can – thus my travel thoughts. As […]

Accommodation when traveling

Accommodation when traveling What to consider Accommodation when traveling is probably one of the most critical things you need to have sorted out in your mind before you head off.  If you are traveling with a child, or alone, I would recommend having a good thought about the following. I have popped them in alphabetic […]

Airline Clubs .. Join one or two

Airline Clubs: Join one or two…. Join the Qantas Club or your own international favorite Airlines Club Joining Airline Clubs works if you will be flying frequently with one airline in particular, or with their partner airlines during your family travel. I have found this to be very crucial for single parent travel as is encouraged […]

A few things to prepare before you go

A few things to prepare before you go I would advise that you work closely with family travel agencies on this if it is your first time as you prepare before you go overseas. For me, luxury travel experts have always made my planning process less stressful as they have a wealth of knowledge regarding […]

Some things to do before going overseas with a child

Some things to do before going overseas with a child Planning, preparing, then – finally – going Preparing to go overseas on a family travel for an extended time takes A LOT of preparation and planning. It requires more preparation if you are a single parent considering a single parent travel life and so things […]

How it all started – the first talk on travelling overseas

How it all started: The first talk …. Many have asked me, how did the idea of traveling all start? Was I really ready for a family travel? Did I use any luxury travel experts to make my decision and experience more comfortable and memorable? How was I going to handle the challenges of single-parent […]

Studying before you go overseas to travel

Studying before you go overseas to travel Through online platforms, I was able to study more about the teaching of the English language as a Second Language. At some point, I was so confused about this but go more relaxed after a conversation with my luxury travel experts. In came to realize that it is […]

Health and Medical for Travel

Health and Medical for Travel As a parent, you are responsible for the safety of your child and the health and medical for travel of your family. You will have to choose whether to vaccinate or not before your family travel. Regardless of your take on vaccination, I believe that no one wishes sickness on […]